Jovan Stojkovic
I am on the academic job market. Please feel free to reach out to discuss potential opportunities. Thank you!
I am Jovan Stojkovic, a fifth year PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a member of i-acoma group led by professor Josep Torrellas.
My research focus is on the cloud platforms and emerging deployment paradigms, such as microservices and serverless computing. These workloads promise great scalability, simple programming model, and cost-effective billing model. However, their characteristics significantly differ from traditional cloud applications, leading to inefficiencies in current cloud environments. As these paradigms become more important, my goal is to design novel hardware platforms and software stacks that enable their execution with orders of magnitude better performance, energy, and resource efficiency.
My work was recognized with an HPCA Best Paper Award and an IEEE MICRO Top Picks Honorable Mention. I filed six patents with IBM and Microsoft for my work in serverless software stack design, processor overclocking in the cloud, and energy management for LLM inference workloads in the cloud. I was selected for the Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship (2024-2025) to enhance my skills in research, teaching and mentoring as a future engineering faculty. I was invited as one of the 30 young researchers in computer science and mathematics worldwide to present my work at the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (2024). I won the Kenichi Miura Award (2022) for excellence in High Performance Computing. I was awarded multiple student travel grants to attend ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS, and HPCA conferences.
I completed my undergraduate studies at School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Every year (2017-2020), I was recognized as the best student of Computer Engineering and Information Theory Department.